Relogin process not working as expected and also the code is working in incognito and not in chrome


I have been facing an issue with relogin form last week the scenario is I have used okta-widget in my angular application for showing the login page so when I log in first time it works but when I try to log in second time without closing the tab or the browser it is not working.

These are the okta dependencies I am using in my package.json (“@okta/okta-angular”: “^6.0.0”, “@okta/okta-auth-js”: “^6.0.0”,“@okta/okta-sign in-widget”: “^5.16.1”).

In addition to this, the login code is just working in incognito and not working in Chrome.

I have attached the screenshot of the API call done to try the second login but the response is in this manner.

Any help to solve these issues will be appreciated and If the widget version is to change please provide the stable version to change and also the documentation for the same to implement in the Angular application.

Any update on this is highly appreciated. I am stuck on lot of process because of this.

I don’t think there’s enough information to help you provided yet (including the fact that screenshot you mentioned attaching is not present).

At first guess, since you mention it working in Incognito but not Chrome is that a browser extension could be causing issues, but its hard to tell without any evidence of failed API requests or console errors that are being encountered.

Hi, Thanks for your reply sorry for the missing attachment. I am attaching the screenshot of the image where I tried to log in.
And I also mentioned the documentation of the stable version of the okta sign-in widget which I can implement in my Angular frontend application. I have attached the version which I am currently working on in my previous query.

Hmm, its clearly able to complete the /authn and well-known requests before initiating the /authorize request, so it doesn’t look like a CORS error.

Do you also see this behavior in other browsers, in particular Firefox?

If you haven’t already, can you see if you can reproduce this behavior using our sample Angular application? The SDK versions its using is likely a little different from your own, so you may need to tweak the widget config to work with your org (namely regarding whether or not you can use the Okta Identity Engine specific Interaction Code flow, see this note in the Widget readme)

As mentioned checked on firefox as well but didn’t work.

It looks like you’re getting a 200 back from the /authorize request. What OAuth flow are you currently using and what method are you using to render the widget?

I am sharing with you the entire code I have been using for rendering Okta widget

  const authJs = new OktaAuth({
      issuer: this.config.issuer.split("oauth2")[0],
      clientId: this.config.clientid,
      redirectUri: this.config.redirecturi,
      pkce: true
    const configuration = {
      baseUrl: this.config.issuer,
      clientId: this.config.clientid,
      redirectUri: this.config.redirecturi,
      authParams: {
        pkce: true,
        issuer: this.config.issuer,
        scopes: this.config.scope.split(" "),
        display: "page",
      features: {
        webauthn: true,
           const widget = new OktaSignIn(configuration);
          widget.showSignInToGetTokens({ el: "#okta-signin-container" }).then((resp: any) => {
            var data =;


Any update on this, Its something which I need to fix in for my application
Also please mention the stable version of okta widget and its implementation

Latest version of the widget is v7.7.2, so you’re a couple of major versions behind and you may want to update. If you are working in an Okta Classic org, make sure you set useClassicEngine to true in your widget config, as mentioned in our docs.

Hi, I am also facing the same issue. Did you fix the issue?