Request for Clarification on "expiresAt" in IdxTransaction object

We are implementing a password-optional signup flow and are analyzing the response we receive. During this process, we call the following method:


Upon resolving, we observe a property called expiresAt, which contains a datetime value roughly 5 minutes after the API call is completed. We would appreciate more details about this property, as we are noticing behavior.

Here’s a summary of the flow:

  • Call the SDK function OktaAuth.idx.register().
  • User kept idle for 5 minutes. ( no SDK functions were triggered )
  • After 5 minutes, call the proceed function to verify the OTP.
const inputValues = {
   "verificationCode": "197277"

const newTransaction = await oktaAuth.idx.proceed(inputValues);

We then received an API response with the message “The session has expired.” Does the expiresAt property play a role in this behavior? If so, could you provide more insight into how it works?

Note: we are using Angular and Okta Auth JS SDK

Many Thanks,

Hello Team,

It would be great if you could provide some updates on the query. Please let me know if you need any further information from me.


I believe the 5 min timeline is coming from the lifetime of Email OTP. If the verification code is used after 5 mins the Session expired message is expected.

I would suggest against using rawIdxState, even though it contains additional info on the transaction state when using IDX flow. Since this is not a documented object, it’s functioning can be changed in future. You should ideally use the “Session Expired” Message in the UI and force the user to re-start the flow

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