Returning Groups in the OpenID connect userinfo API call

I have issue with this . I created claim as it is suggested above and in token preview I get it groups info

  "sub": "00ufwy7u3cV81lp2A0h7",
  "ver": 1,
  "iss": "",
  "aud": "0oafx619teiAXwHwV0h7",
  "iat": 1534515075,
  "exp": 1534518675,
  "jti": "ID.S1qATQ6yfMdUzax2r2VHdpXoQkllgjyJ05J3_ZrkRc4",
  "amr": [
  "idp": "00ofwy5ethfKmbQhv0h7",
  "nonce": "nonce",
  "auth_time": 1000,
  "at_hash": "preview_at_hash",
  "groups": [

but when I used application to retrive info In not gething groups 

response: {"sub":"00ufwy7u3cV81lp2A0h7","name":"World Traveler","locale":"en-US","preferred_username":"","given_name":"See","family_name":"World","zoneinfo":"America/Los_Angeles","updated_at":1534386515}

even in post man (i used  Im not getting groups info , anyone can help me ?