Hey everyone,
I’m working on an OIN submission for our app which supports SAML. Our ACS URL and Entity ID vary per tenant. The problem is they don’t follow a very straightforward pattern. To elaborate:
The issue here is that one of the tenants is simply using a domain name, while the other one uses a subdomain. To be more precise, our EU tenant is auth.vanityDomainName.com, while the US tenant is auth.us.vanityDomainName.com.
My first thought was - OK I’ll expose a variable called tenant (or dataCenter to be precise) and ask customers to it in when configuring the app. But the problem comes when I try building the ACS URL using this variable. I cannot just say https://auth.${dataCenter}.valityDomainName.com/login?connectin=… because if datacenter is blank (which is valid for all of our EU accounts) this will result in something like https://auth…vanityDoimainName.com/login?conection=…
Do you happen to have any ideas how I can workaround this or test/play with it to see what options Okta supports? Could not find any docs on this unfoirtunatley.
I know Okta supports an expression language, and if that’s possible here it should be quite easy to say something like httsp://auth.${dataCenter.}vanityDomainName.com… or using some String operations.
Thanks in advance for your help!