I am trying to create Okta SSO to a third party app. I added new application with SAML 2.0. Filled in SAML settings, previewed XML assertion and I can download the certificate. Everything looks good to me. Now I need configure the Service Provider. I want to add Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL and Identity Provider Issuer on the SP side, but on the Sign On tab there is no “View Setup Instructions” button. Everything I have read tell me that I should get these values there, but that tab only contains Default sign on rule info. What could I be missing here?
Do you see a link to “Identity Metadata URL”? If you open it, it has all required information for your SP in XML format (some client support importing the XML)
Figured it out. On top right corner I had to switch from Developer Console to Classic UI. Now I can see “View Setup Instructions”. I really cannot find the “Identity Metadata URL” link.