Sample flow adding IP address to an existing network zone

Sample workflow that is called by an API endpoint and populates the IP address into a pre-existing network zone (if needed)

addIpToBlocklistZone.flow (45.9 KB)

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I can download the file but unable to open the flow, how do i view the sample flow ?

You will need to import the file into your workflows

I tried to import that in to my WF console but it keeps on loading for so long time. can you share me the flow diagram atleast so that i can get some idea.?

Taking a screenshot is difficult since the flow has 22 cards (steps). Let’s figure out why import is not working. What happens when you try to import? Can you try importing again?

Once I download the flow I tried to import the same in workflow console… it keeps on loading again and never seems to be set. At the same time it’s doesn’t throws me an error as well. I am trying to create a delegate flow which allows the Help Desk admns to add IPs to the network zone.

Can you share a screenshot of how it looks? Can you build a sample flow, export it, and try to import it?

I wonder if there are errors in the browser console when you try to upload.