SCIM Connector Error

Where can I find more information about this (dialog) error in Okta when I click the Test Connector Configuration button on the SCIM Provision tab for my application? Am I not allowed to use an IP address and port?

Test Connector Configuration
Please review the form to correct the following errors:
Invalid Base URL for the SCIM Connector

Hi @natetc!

What does your scim base url look like and is it public for Okta to make requests to?

Thank you for your reply. The url I am trying to use is
This is the error I get in the Okta Application UI. I would upload a snapshot but I cannot because I am a new user:

#### **Please review the form to correct the following errors:**

* There was an unexpected internal error. Please try again.

I know the Bearer token I am using is correct because I can hit from Postman.
Thanks again,

@natetc one other thing, Okta will send a request with Content-Type: application/scim+json can your server handle this request with the Bearer token?

Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, my server can handle the content-type. Also, I see no evidence in my access log that Okta has tried a request. The problem is with the form in the Okta UI. It is telling me I have to review the form to correct the following errors: There was an unexpected internal error. Please try again. But, there is nothing telling me what I have filled in wrong.

Replying again so this thread does not go cold. Luckily, I got an extension on my trial Okta account so I can keep troublshooting this. I still receive the same error when I click Test Connector Configuration:

Please review the form to correct the following errors:
There was an unexpected internal error. Please try again.

I have the following filled in:
SCIM connector base URL I have https://<ip Address>:<port>/api/scim/v2
Unique identifier field for users email
Supported provisioning actions
Push Users
Push Groups
Authentication Mode HTTP Header
Authorization Bearer ****************************************************
Let me know if there is any more information I need to provide.

Ok, I have now put the app out onto an actual public facing server (not my local machine) and I still get the same error on this SCIM Connection form. What is the problem with this form? It doesn’t tell me anything. It just says

Please review the form to correct the following errors:
There was an unexpected internal error. Please try again.

Solved. See this solution.

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