Set Client ID and Client Secret (Scim Connection - API)


In OKTA → Applications → MyApplication → Provisioning → Integration → SCIM Connection (OAuth 2 type) → I have Client ID and Client Secret, which I want to change via API.

Can you point me what endpoint(s) should I use to achieve that?

Thanks in advance.

It looks like this documented in the postman collection.

Thanks for reply @nickwnj ,

I see that authScheme is TOKEN. Can I use it in a similar way:

POST {{url}}/api/v1/apps/{{appId}}/connections/default?activate=true

“authScheme”: “OAUTH2”,
“clientId”: “my_client_id”,
“clientSecret”: “my_client_secret”,
“baseUrl”: “https://myexample.url/bc/api/account_server/v2/scim

And this returns:

“status”: “UNKNOWN”,
“profile”: {
“authScheme”: “UNKNOWN”

I received the same. It looks from this that it has to be a “supported application”

Hello @svetoslavl,
Thank you for reaching out here on the Okta Developer Forum.

Could you please provide more details about this specific scenario ?

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