Is there an example of how to use the sign-in widget in a more recent version of angular without app.module.ts/@NgModule?
I have found working examples of how to use the sign-in widget with older versions of Angular, but I cannot find an example of how to get the the sign-in widget to work in Angular 17 or 18 with standalone components. Is there an example of using the sign-in widget with new versions of Angular?
Hi Mark! This repo uses standalone components with Okta-hosted in v17. It could serve as a useful starting point for you - GitHub - oktadev/okta-angular-standalone-runtime-config-example: Use Okta Angular SDK for runtime configuration loading in standalone Angular applications
Hi Piyusha! Thanks for the reply.
I did see that example and it was a big help with the AuthGuard and the Interceptor. But, unless I’m overlooking something, it doesn’t include any code for custom login pages or the widget.
If there’s no widget example available for angular 17/18, can you point me to a how-to article?
Can give me a quick explanation of how I can add a custom login page using the widget to the example that you linked above?
I’m still looking for a working example of a custom login page for Angular 18.
I’m still looking for a working example of a custom login page for Angular 18.
@mark1 (or anyone else who stumbles across this thread later), you may want to check out this sample app, which uses standalone architecture with Angular v19.