The client is not authorized to use the provided grant type. Configured grant types:

Hello there. I have been struggling for the whole day trying to make this work. How do I get an access token on my OktaWeb application using just this endpoint? /v1/token? On my native app application it works. But did not work on OktaWeb application. Is this only applicable for native app? It seems the collection is not updated.

Here is the error

    "error": "unauthorized_client",
    "error_description": "The client is not authorized to use the provided grant type. Configured grant types: [client_credentials, refresh_token, authorization_code, implicit]."

Any help? Thanks

If you have client_credentials then you can get the token from /v1/token but it won’t represent user context, as it’s designed for m2m interface

oh… So its machine to machine? I have the credentials. That means the only way to get access token without sign in ui is via Native app application only? The reason I started this thread is I wanted to make a test automation on an external API that use Okta Sign in. To test the external API I needed that access token. It seems impossible I guess.

As I said, you can get access token using client_credentials flow - But as I said, it won’t have user context, it’s still a valid access token though, which can be validated by API side.

I suggest you to try and see if there are any issues with this approach

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