The client JWKSet is invalid

Hi everybody,
I’m new here and thanks in advance, any help is very appreciated.
I’m building an hybrid/implicit flow, and when I call /authorize endpoint I’m getting stucked for a very strange error:


I checked everything and followed the guide here: OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 API | Okta Developer

without the request object everything works fine.
Can you help me?

this is an example request,

and decoded request:
header {
“typ”: “JWT”,
“alg”: “RS256”
“sub”: “0oacg4i3vntr5nRDv5d6”,
“aud”: “”,
“scope”: “openid offline_access”,
“iss”: “0oacg4i3vntr5nRDv5d6”,
“response_type”: “code id_token”,
“state”: “asdfasdfeasdf33ff”,
“redirect_uri”: “http://localhost:8080/security-ms/”,
“nonce”: “72bfc70ce82”,
“client_id”: “0oacg4i3vntr5nRDv5d6”
signed with my private key, the public key is correctly stored in jwksuri of openid-configuration

thanks everybody

P.S. I tried everything, obviously, also adding mandatory query params etc, but I followed the guide.

Hi @giambattista, have you registered the public key which corresponds to the private key used to sign the request object within Okta? It should go in the jwks element of your client as described here: Dynamic Client Registration | Okta Developer.

I have created a ticket to improve the documentation in the guide for this.

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Hi dzeller,
Thanks for quick reply, sure, I’ve registered the public key. How can I register again and verify the correct public key is used?


You should GET the client via API via Dynamic Client Registration | Okta Developer, update the jwks in the returned object, then PUT it back Dynamic Client Registration | Okta Developer
You can verify that the update succeeded by inspecting the returned object from the PUT request.

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you magician!
thanks a lot, solved my issue, the jwks was NOT properly configured, BUT there is no way to check that, other than manual Curl…

thanks again, very appreciated, in italy (sicily) is late night, 2.20 am.

To complete the use-case, if I don’t found the public key in, how con I verify the idToken?
followed istruction here
Overview | Okta Developer
the kid doesn’t match now

The id_token signing key should certainly be returned by the /keys endpoint. Are you sure you’re not trying to validate the access_token, who’s signing keys will never be returned via /oauth2/v1/keys.

See Authorization Servers | Okta Developer for an explanation of why this is.

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Hi dzeller,
for sure I’m validating idToken, and the keys returned by the /keys endpoint does not match after updating my jwks following your guides. Before updating the keys was matching


this is an example:
“id_token”: “eyJraWQiOiJ0cGtUQjhzOUlKUnhRLXA3M1RSUGx6ZW5ybGQwdXlqeXJSeC1ZcllPa2FFIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiIwMHVjM2YxNG1Zb3lOQnNMdzVkNiIsInZlciI6MSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9kZXYtODI3NTU4MzQub2t0YS5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIwb2FjZzRpM3ZudHI1blJEdjVkNiIsImlhdCI6MTYxNzE1MDk1NiwiZXhwIjoxNjE3MTU0NTU2LCJqdGkiOiJJRC45clFYNFNoOXpDTmY4cDJTa25aVk0yTy1SM0NNVDU0TkZxcTVqamRrekYwIiwiYW1yIjpbInB3ZCJdLCJpZHAiOiIwMG9jM2YxMHJNZEh1WWszWDVkNiIsIm5vbmNlIjoiZmY4ZjE0ZDctOWY4Ni00NDI1LTk1NmYtYmMxZjBhMGZiZWEyIiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNjE3MTQ2MzAyLCJhdF9oYXNoIjoiM1lXUEpEaWV6ak9PUGNHa0liYVRPUSJ9.Zaj7LQbWdDkjt2UpcBFoC6dlukjuWLPC-_H7WUtelyCE1OGhTznG2x6-y-jHEt0QymHaTPBX3SPdFqv6nv3dmgcxZKiaJTQbm9OdnrRwZiaB_tRbZAeWVsTnDFUMQ6H8NH5PxiPhGGRNjdicCVKMlALy6Wqj8kPPGRGEDkTQ1hTig1Hx5qyav1qj13p9Y4KjS9DnrpnuGQXcRnBkiuQYQWEEKkQNlB7anDdaNYbm6K9-yLS8AzO_4c7Zi_wb_mT1veXIuBIH2ZMY2TDSXvYV43tNqeD6olUzGRyV9Wtie3faSWti8JeflYUXIuwQa9Lyjm99RN6mU347Lq_6cRvrPA”

the keys in /keys endpoint are cached, just now are updated correctly, thanks, everything works fine

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