But when I try to validate that token in java I get this error.
Code : 403
www-authenticate: Bearer error=“insufficient_scope”, error_description=“The token provided has insufficient scope [bonus_api] for this request”, error_uri=“https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750#section-3.1”, scope=“bonus_api”
Hello Cemil, i’m trying without succes with postam to get a token with postman with client credentials flow.
can explain in details how did you do this please ?
I got in body urlencoded : grant_type : client_credentials, scope: goodone
headers : Accept : application/json
Authorization : with my clientid:client_secret encode as base64 and
i tried all without succes
Perhaps try what is recommended here - For Postman in particular, it sounds like you will want to enter in your client_id + client_secret in Authorization → Basic → Username/Password