Env: React + Typescript
Clarification: Unable to display the custom logo in Okta login page.
Below is the code.
I followed below url to customize the Okta sign in widget. I am able to rendner the Okta widget with logo as blank.
I passed the logo png file like below.
export default class OktaSignInWidget extends Component {
widget: any;
componentDidMount() {
const el = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
this.widget = new OktaSignIn({
baseUrl: this.props.baseUrl,
logo: â./assets/images/parkerid-logo.jpgâ,
authParams: {
pkce: true
this.widget.renderEl({el}, this.props.onSuccess, this.props.onError);
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return <div />;