Unable to get the forgot password stateToken

Hi all,
I use OKTA Developer.
I’m trying to implement the forgot password functionality in my application using the OKTA API. This is my steps :

  1. I call the OKTA endpoint /api/v1/authn/recovery/password with a URL to my frontend as parameter relayState.
  2. The user receives the password reset e-mail. When he clicks onthe link, he is redirected to a link like http://localhost:4200/account/reset/finish?type_hint=PASSWORD_RECOVERY&session_hint=AUTHENTICATED&login_hint=email_address

I then need to retrieve the stateToken to submit the user’s new password via the OKTA endpoint /api/v1/authn/credentials/reset_password.

Please how can I get the stateToken? It’s not present in the url.

Thank you for your help.
I’m using Angular for my frontend application