Unable to retrieve an access token for the Identity Provider when my OIDC server /token endpoint is called. Need help getting more info

Looking at the systems logs for my Identity Provider, I see the error Authenticate user with social login FAILURE: Unable to retrieve an access token for the Identity Provider. I am trying to get some more info if this is a formatting issue or etc.

The current response from my /token endpoint is

  "access_token": "78718f64-30de-4060-a444-0ff153e3efaa",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ4dW4ueWlAc2V2ZW50aHNlbnNlLmFpIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly8wNWYyLTEyOS0xMjYtMTE3LTEwOS5uZ3Jvay1mcmVlLmFwcCIsImF1ZCI6ImM2YjZjNDc4LTQwNWYtNDgwYi1hMWYxLWYxOGZjMWYxNWY0ZCIsImV4cCI6MTcxNzUzNzQ2OCwiaWF0IjoxNzE3NTMzODY4fQ.AcNbau24Ab7d7UWXChIyUHWlBDCcbNWl3OKz3b8z5beVsS53vMVsd62hxjA7Mi2KsiasHnpmoXxF7RvnHZQkqhUTgyiB3CUruAj_Zmk7enqg2kuXUowgk-qijJt6S7OtpWyNzRhGRngbS2QM8-QUZ_rMeq5R3r2SDCQiUwIPYSRN4wCWUqTO0JEv1uhGJCPqU3ed4RG3tOuaaRu8Omgn-pI8PNGmODWMEPBTEYbAF-2aT4e5EFwS48ht1ZX9c9SWmd8BiQw4guuB8CmEvNu8T8NPIiLYh9R2FJi9VIdFhY9OsJrsia6vP0Uws3Rp8GkmiDEMIiB6m736hL2TKfIuDA",
  "expires_in": 36000,
  "scope": "openid"

The ID Token is created as such in Python, where the access token is currently a UUID.

id_token = jwt.encode(claims, jwk_key.to_dict(), 
    algorithm='RS256', access_token=access_token)

Do advise on how I can get more info on this log!


Let’s simplify the troubleshooting steps:

Check Endpoints: Verify that the Authorization and Token endpoints are correct.
Issuer URL: Ensure the issuer URL matches between Okta and Azure.
Groups Mapping: Review group claims and mappings.
JWT Signing: Validate the private key and claims used for ID Token creation.
Debugging Tools: Use Okta and Azure debugging tools.

Hope this info will help you.
Best Regard,

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