I’m trying to update the users mail.
Im using the endpoint idp/myaccount/emails.
The flow i want :
- 1: User can update his mail, so he can enter the new mail in a html input.
- 2: He clicks on “Update”, an email is sent to the new mail with a code.
- 3: He validates the code.
- 4: The “PRIMARY” mail change AND the login change
My problem is between step 2 and 3.
The mail is sent, the current PRIMARY mail does not change BUT the login change instantly, without confirmation.
A quick briefing :
At start I have : Login → foo@gmail.com | Mail → foo@gmail
I POST idp/myaccount/emails (with bar@gmail.com) and BEFORE I even confirm the mail i have :
Login → bar@gmail.com | Mail → foo@gmail.com
Does someone faced this problem before ? Anyon have an idea ?
Thank you !