I need to update the username value of a user using the API. Searching on the web I found this link:
It takes me to the API documentation, which have this method
However, this method is not on the Postman API collection of users and I cannot do the update. I also tried with the API Call “Update App Credentials for Assigned User” of the Apps collection, but its not working.
Could someone elaborate on how to perform this request in Postman?
So i want to use the update user API to update multiple users on a custom attribute and populate with a new value. I am ok with using postman for lifecycle operations and rockstar to get the exports i need but i can’t seem to be able to build this request in Postman.
As an aside, its a good idea to create a new post if the thread you are looking to comment on has already been closed out with a solution. That way more people see your new thread so they can help you out!