Hi, we are requesting user information from the Okta API, as follows:
- Application integration:
- Sign-in method: “API Services”
- Client authentication: Public key / Private Key
- Okta API Scopes:
- Tenant:
- This is their ‘UAT environment’, https://???.oktapreview.com/
- They have upgraded to the Identity Platform.
- They don’t have a custom auth server. Just the ‘Org’ auth server.
- Our Oauth client:
- auth style: client_credentials
- token_endpoint_auth_method: private_key_jwt
- Scopes:
- Technology: go. We’re using the clientcredentials package - golang.org/x/oauth2/clientcredentials - Go Packages package.
Calls to the /users endpoints authenticate OK but I have access to no users.
- Calls to URL https://???.oktapreview.com/api/v1/users/:id and https://???.oktapreview.com/api/v1/users/:id/groups return a 403:
Status: 403 Forbidden
{"errorCode":"E0000006","errorSummary":"You do not have permission to perform the requested action","errorLink":"E0000006","errorId":"oaeRUPaKt_9Q3WpromiLHwtvw","errorCauses":[]}
- Calls to the URL https://???.oktapreview.com/api/v1/users returns 200 OK an empty list
Status: 200 OK
We have used this approach successfully on other Okta tenants, where we receive a full user list (or specific data about a single user).
What do you think could be the problem here?
I guess it could be a policy setting on the client’s Okta org. Their representative could not see anything obvious which could be affecting this.
Do you have any advice, please?