Using idx to authenticate PKCE and OIDC flow

When trying to follow this flow

// start the flow with no param
const { 
  status, // IdxStatus.PENDING
  nextStep: { 
    inputs // [{ name: 'username', ... }, { name: 'password', ... }]
} = await authClient.idx.authenticate();
// gather user inputs
const { 
  status, // IdxStatus.PENDING
  nextStep: { 
    inputs, // [{ name: 'authenticator', ... }]
} = await authClient.idx.proceed({ username: 'xxx',  password: 'xxx' });
// a list of authenticators is shown and the user selects "email"
const { 
  status, // IdxStatus.PENDING
  nextStep: { 
    inputs // [{ name: 'verificationCode', ... }]
} = await authClient.idx.proceed({ authenticator: AuthenticatorKey.OKTA_EMAIL /* 'okta_email' */ });
// gather verification code from email (this call should happen in a separated request)
const { 
  status, // IdxStatus.SUCCESS
} = await authClient.idx.proceed({ verificationCode: 'xxx' });

The email OTP code is never sent to the user. Is there an additional step or config on the okta dashboard the must be set in order to get this code to send ?


This looks like the On Demand snippet from okta-auth-js/ at master · okta/okta-auth-js · GitHub

Can you provide the actual code you are using.
A .har file showing the calls would be helpful as well.

If just starting out I suggest running our embedded sample against your Okta Org to see a fully working sample with various flows including authenticate.

Thank You,