Hi, team. I’m currently using okta auth release 5.1.1 in one of our app. For some reasons after some moment, when I call renew tokens I always get expired one. Attaching some screenshot to show current scopes in the project.
Here is some code snippet showing the usage:
Initializing oktaAuth:
const oktaAuth: OktaAuth = useMemo(
() =>
new OktaAuth({
scopes: ['openid', 'profile', 'email'],
pkce: true,
[clientId, issuer, redirectUri],
const securityContext: SecurityContext = {
authClient: {
signInWithRedirect: (options?: SignInOptions): Promise<void> =>
signOut: (): Promise<boolean> => {
console.log('called signout');
return oktaAuth.signOut();
isAuthenticated: () => {
console.log('called isAuthenticated');
return oktaAuth.isAuthenticated();
getAccessToken: () => {
console.log('called getAccessToken');
accessToken: authState?.accessToken?.accessToken,
oneLevelUp: authState?.accessToken,
return authState?.accessToken?.accessToken;
renewTokens: (): Promise<Tokens> => {
console.log('called renewTokens');
return oktaAuth.token.renewTokens();
setTokens: (token: Tokens) => {
console.log('called setTokens');
capabilities: capabilitiesContext,
Config options
const options = {
oktaConfig: {
clientId: process.env.OKTA_CLIENT_ID || '',
issuer: process.env.OKTA_ISSUER || '',
redirectUri: `${window.location.origin}/okta/callback`,
capabilitiesConfig: {
enabled: false,
We are using setTokens and renewTokens in some SSE event and that too when the connection fails, after some moment I get a token which has expiresAt and currentTime to only having a difference of 1 second. Am I missing something in renewTokens?