I am trying to implement OIDC with Spring Boot 2.0.
Functionality is working fine and I am able to get the access token and id_token. Now i want to verify/validate the tokens on the client side. I see for the id_token, the way to verify was checking the issuer and audience…
I need some guidance on how/what way i need to follow on validating the access token.
Did you use one of our guides or blog posts to help you implement OIDC with Spring Boot? The reason I ask is because if you’re using Spring Boot’s @EnableOAuth2Sso, you don’t need to do token validation, Spring Security does it for you.
yup…I have implemented the OIDC with Spring Boot using YOUR guide/sample app…
Does we need to have @EnableOAuth2Sso annotation when we are using Spring Security 5.0 …?.. (this might be silly to ask), but I thought spring boot will take care of this…
when i add the @EnableOAuth2Sso on the Security Config method, my app is failing to load… when i removed the annotation, its working…
any guess…?
i am using spring boot 2.0 and I havent aware of spring doing jwt validation for us. I thought we need to validate the id token on the client side…
as a side note, what is the use of okta jwt verifier…?, means we wont need it for spring boot 2.0 right…? just wanted to know…
thanks for helping me out @mraible
The Java JWT Verifier can be useful if you’re not using Spring Boot. For example, you want to do verification in a servlet filter.
If you’re using Spring Boot with Spring Security, you should be able to get the user from the usual means (e.g., java.security.Principal, or the SecurityContextHolder).