Why is id token expiration not configurable?

I was told I should ask this here instead of support.okta.com

Why is id token lifetime/expiration not configurable?

It’s been asked previously whether it is possible to extend or configure the expiration for the id token that a custom Okta authentication server generates:

  • help/s/question/0D50Z00008G7UgwSAF/how-to-change-id-tokens-lifetime
  • help/s/question/0D51Y00005lGBR2/is-it-possible-to-set-the-idtoken-lifetime-length

And Okta employees have dutifully regurgitated the documentation stating that it is hard coded to 1 hour (OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 API | Okta Developer). But nobody has bother to explain why it is like this?! Or how one is suppose to create a application using Okta for authentication that doesn’t have either a completely abysmal user experience of forcing the user to re-authenticate every hour¹, or resort to some sort hack like ignore JWT expiration and checking the Issued At timestamp instead. If there is some documentation on how to get a refreshed id token without harassing my user that would be helpful, however that’s kind of a crap solution since it’s just making extra work for me when you ought to just be letting me configure Id Token expiration like I can configure Access Token expiration.

¹ Since I was pointed to this forum I found an answer indicating that it is possible to create a webhook that is called at login time to set the expiration (Token Inline Hook Reference | Okta Developer), but that seems like a lot of complexity just to set the expiration when it is already configurable for access tokens.

If you have this issue please upvote: https://ideas.okta.com/app/#/case/116706?section=requests

So is there some rationale I’m missing? Is Okta planning on fixing this?


Okta this looks bad, after so many years of requests.

It is incredibly disappointing to see this question ignored by Okta.

I am disappointed by the lack of complete functionality, poor documentation. how is this acceptable given the price charged.

I will be changing to another product. I leave Okta frustrated and disappointed. You can do allot better!