I have an issue where my app “launches” the Okta login page, I login correctly but it does not return to my app, but instead, redirects to my okta dashboard???
If I hit “Back” it returns to my app as IsAuthenticated =false.
I know this is identicle to a previous post in Nov’20 but there does not seem to be a resolution??
has anyone got OAuth2Authenticator working or can suggest another way?
Here’s my viewmodel code…
string clientID = “xxxxxxxxxx”;
string scope = “openid,email”;
string oktaDomain = “https://dev-xxxxxxxx.okta.com”;
string redirectURL = “com.okta.dev-xxxxxxxx:/callback”;
var _authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator(clientID,
new Uri(oktaDomain),
new Uri(redirectURL),
_authenticator.AllowCancel = true;
_authenticator.ShowErrors = true;
var _presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter();
_authenticator.Completed += _authenticator_Completed;
here’s my mainactivity.cs code…
[Activity(Label = “LoginCallbackInterceptorActivity”, NoHistory = true, LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleTop)]
actions: new { Intent.ActionView },
Categories = new { Intent.CategoryDefault, Intent.CategoryBrowsable },
DataScheme = “com.okta.dev-xxxxxxx”,
DataPath = “/callback”
public class LoginCallbackInterceptorActivity : Activity
Any help will be appreciated
Kind Regards