Hellooo Teams,
i tried to do an okta environment key outsourcing to a yml file.
so in angular module
I have
oktaConfig: {
issuer: ‘$OKTA_OAUTH2_ISSUER’,
redirectUri: window.location.origin.concat(’/myappl/authSuccess’),
scope: ‘openid’
in my file .yml used for start dockerImage i have
in my container i have war embded front + backend Spa
I also have another file okt.env in foulder docker
when i deploy I have error
Your Okta URL must start with https. Current value: $OKTA_OAUT

based on the error and the oktaConfig details posted, it looks like the issuer and clientId parameters in oktaConfig are not pointing to those OKTA_OAUTH2 type variables and are instead literal strings of those variable names
yes Fuzzard I do not know why
@mraible do you have any idea 
I followed the link
Are you using Docker Compose to start your app? If so, I believe you need to rename your okta.env
file to .env
. Environment variables in Compose | Docker Documentation
I use
stage(‘Docker Stack Deploy’) {
steps {
script {
withDockerRegistry([credentialsId: ‘a704b793-0e75-4f91-8b41-2125ff7696a4’, url: “http://${PORTUS_URL}”]) {
docker.withServer(‘tcp://’, ‘berjkkl-8f13-4b93-a01f-b2422d1095ac’) {
sh “”"
cd back/target
docker login --username ${PORTUS_USER} --password ${PORTUS_PWD} ${PORTUS_URL}
docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth --compose-file ${STACK_FILE} ${STACK_NAME}
It looks like you’re just running Docker commands. I don’t think they support an .env
file like Docker Compose does.