400 bad request when login - redirection problem

I have a problem when I try to log in. I get bad requests with message

## Erreur : Le paramètre 'redirect_uri' doit être un URI de redirection de connexion dans les paramètres de l'application cliente : https://dev-*******-admin.okta.com/admin/app/oidc_client/instance/***********#tab-general

I use :
@okta/okta-angular”: “^6.4.0”,
@okta/okta-auth-js”: “^7.8.0”,
angular 17
node 18.13.0
typseScript 5.2.2

Part of my code is:


    imports: [
        RouterModule.forRoot([ {
                path: 'login/callback',
                component: OktaCallbackComponent,


import {
} from '@okta/okta-angular';
import { OktaAuth } from '@okta/okta-auth-js';

const authConfig = {
  clientId: '*****',
  issuer: 'https://dev-*****.okta.com/oauth2/default', 
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:4200/login/callback',
  scopes: ['openid', 'profile', 'email','groups'],
  pkce: true,
  testing: {
    disableHttpsCheck: false
  resourceServer: {
    basicUrl: 'http://localhost:8084/api',
const oktaAuth = new OktaAuth(authConfig);
const moduleConfig: OktaConfig = { oktaAuth };
    declarations: [
        AppComponent, NotfoundComponent
    imports: [
    providers: [
        provide: OKTA_CONFIG, 
        useValue: { oktaAuth } 
        { provide: LocationStrategy, useClass: HashLocationStrategy }
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

AppComponent (ts)

import { OktaAuthStateService, OKTA_AUTH } from '@okta/okta-angular';
import OktaAuth from '@okta/okta-auth-js';
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  isAuthenticated: boolean;
  constructor( @Inject(OKTA_AUTH) public oktaAuth: OktaAuth,  public authStateService: OktaAuthStateService, public router: Router) { 
    this.authStateService.authState$.subscribe((authState) => {
      this.isAuthenticated = !!authState.isAuthenticated;
  async ngOnInit() {
  async login() {
    await this.oktaAuth.signInWithRedirect();

  async logout() {
    await this.oktaAuth.signOut();


appComponent (html)

    <a class="item" *ngIf="!isAuthenticated" (click)="oktaAuth.login('/')">Login</a>
   <div *ngIf="isAuthenticated" >

when I access my app with http://localhost:4200 , I show a login button, but before I click it , I will be redirected to


with 400 bad request!!
The Okta login page is not displayed!
Can you please help me correct my code to obtain the login okta page when I click on “log in” button?
Note that I use the same config. , especially the redirect uri when I create Okta application
Thank you

Hello @sabrinaBinaa89,
the same redirect_uri issue is also documented in this support article.

This specific redirect_uri error will be returned from the /authorize endpoint (generated by the SDK), only when the redirect_uri parameter specified in the /authorize request is not the exact same with the sign in redirect uri value from the OIDC application.

To fix this error:
-Please check if the ClientId specified in the authConfig object, is associated with the correct OIDC client in Okta. ( you can use the client ID value directly in Okta admin dashboard → Applications, to verify)

-After accessing the correct OIDC application in Okta, please add the redirect_uri value (in this case it’s: “http://localhost:4200/login/callback” ) to the “Sign-In redirect URIs” section.

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Thank you for your answer,
I aleardy checked that I use the some clientId in both: authConfig & OIDC application, also the redirect_uri id aleardy added to sign_in URIs:

I added two sign-in URIs:

I followed the instructions in the link provided but I still have a problem :sob:

the message error is not the same, I think is a problem of roles!

The problem of uri_redirection and scope are corrected! :smiley:
But , I have another problem which is : after I access to A=“http://localhost:4200” I will be redirected to B=“http://localhost:4200/authorization-code/callback…” with 302 code status (temporary redirect) :
think that the calls of the 2 URIs (A & B ) are repeated in a loop without displayed the login page (the standard login page of okta) !

I noticed that the URI “http://localhost:4200/login/callback?code=…” is called in a loop with a new code for every call => in the URI bar we have once ‘http://localhost:4200/#/’ and another time “http://localhost:4200/login/callback?code=…” in loop

I aleardy have a problem to display the standard login page of okta :sob:
Any one can help me please

the problem is resolved when I create a new app. with the type Single Page App (SPA) instead of web && Grant type = refresh token

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