I can Deactivate a User with “DeactivateUserAsync” in the sdk and set the user in “DEPROVISIONED”.
How do i reactivate e user with a “DEPROVISIONED” stage?
Because “ReactivateUserAsync” is only with a user with a ‘PROVISIONED’ status.
You would need to activate
the user again.
This operation can only be performed on users with a STAGED or DEPROVISIONED status.
Activation of a user is an asynchronous operation.
Thank You,
I am using DOTNET SDK and reactive is only on PROVISIONED status and activate is only on a STAGED status…
must i not use the sdk to get the result that i want?
I tend go off of our API docs before the SDK doc.
- Have you tried it?
- If so what was the result?
If you tried ActivateUserAsync
for a Deprovisioned user and it failed what version of the SDK are you using? I can test and verify.
I ma using the lastest version :
I end up calling the OKTA API mysself with a httpClient.PostAsync.
Well at the time i am sure i did testing it. I tried again and it is working! This is my bad… You should update the SDK doc ^^
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