Am I missing documentation that would explain why spaces would not be allowed in the organization field when creating a user with the Users API?
Using CreateUserWithPassword in curl I am entirely successful when there are no spaces in the organization field of the json like this:
But when I use this:
{"profile":{"email":"","login":"","firstName":"Firstname","lastName":"Lastname","organization":"My Company LLC"},"credentials":{"password":{"value":"mypassword"},"recovery_question":{"question":"something","answer":"different"}}}
…I get scolded with a
{"errorCode":"E0000003","errorSummary":"The request body was not well-formed.","errorLink":"E0000003","errorId":"oaehWVoh6c5Rs2VSOV2sh0GiQ","errorCauses":[]}
Are there other fields where this “rule” applies? Are there other “rules” I won’t find out until I get deeper into a database import?
Update: Here’s another. What the heck? How many unwritten rules am I going to find out about in this process, and who cares if I leave the first and last names blank in the API? Prince can’t have an account?
"errorCauses":[{"errorSummary":"firstName: The field cannot be left blank"},{"errorSummary":"lastName: The field cannot be left blank"}