I have a React SPA and I am using the Okta widget to authenticate. When I am trying to authenticate a org to org user using idpDiscovery set to true, I get redirected to the following url coming up with error ‘AuthSdkError: Unable to retrieve OAuth redirect params cookie’
Here’s the code for my onSuccess function:
onSuccess = res => {
if (res.status === 'SUCCESS') {
return this.props.auth.redirect({
sessionToken: res.session.token
} else if res.status === 'IDP_DISCOVERY' {
var username = document.getElementById("idp-discovery-username").value;
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var orgUrl = "process.env.REACT_APP_OKTA_ORG_URL";
var webFingerUrl = orgUrl + ".well-known/webfinger?resource=" + encodeURIComponent("okta:acct:" + username);
var params = {
"oauth": "oauth2/default/v1/authorize",
"clientId": process.env.REACT_APP_OKTA_CLIENT_ID,
"scopes": ["openid", "profile"],
"responseMode": "fragment",
"responseType": ["token", "id_token"],
"redirectUri": process.env.REACT_APP_PROD_URL + '/implicit/callback',
"state": "xyz", // enter random char generator here.
"nonce": "xyz" // same as above.
var finalRedirectUrl = orgUrl + params["oauth"] + "?client_id=" + params["clientId"] + "&scope=" + params["scopes"][0] + " " + params["scopes"][1] + "&response_mode=" + params["responseMode"] + "&response_type=" + params["responseType"][0] + " " + params["responseType"][1] + "&redirect_uri=" + params["redirectUri"] + "&state=" + params["state"] + "&nonce=" + params["nonce"];
xhttp.open("GET", webFingerUrl, true);
xhttp.responseType = "json";
xhttp.onload = function () {
var response = xhttp.response;
var link = response.links[0].href;
var idp = link.slice(0, (link.length - 1)); // slicing is required to remove the '#' from the end of the idp link.
window.location.href = idp + "&fromURI=" + encodeURIComponent(finalRedirectUrl);
Any suggestions as to what to do next?