Azure AD Provisioning to Okta

Hello all,
Does anyone know what I should be putting down for the Tenant URL inside the Provisioning section for Azure AD?

I may have overlooked Okta standard documents, but I found most of it was about SSO and SAML but could not find anything related to setting up a way for Azure AD to push users to Okta, rather than manually upload a user with CSV file or one by one.
Integrate Azure Active Directory with Okta | Okta

I believe I can do this with Office365 but wanted to see with AzureAD.


I have never setup this provisioning integration but I suspect what is needed is your Okta Org URL,

and an API_TOKEN

Do you have a link to the integration doc?

Thank You

Integrate Azure Active Directory with Okta | Okta

I have done all these steps mentioned here but it does not mention anywhere for AzureAD Provisioning.

The https://{domain} does not work and gives me a kick back to hint the HTTPs link is incorrect.

Thank you for your help here.