Azure WAF + Angular app +okta

We have angular application which talks to Okta for Authentication.We have deployed this to Azure and it is working fine. Now we have configure Azure WAF in front of our app service plan where our applicaiton is working. Now with Azure WAF is takling to our Angular app which is redirecting to okta as before and after successful authenitication we are rerturning back to our app however we are not getting access token. Could you please suggest do we need to any other settings to get the token in app or WAF.

Hi @vipinsaini434, I assume your Angular single page application is calling some APIs you’ve deployed in Azure which are now protected by Azure WAF.

I’m wondering if there are a few fundamentals to check:

  • Any CORS settings in Azure WAF for your Okta URLs
  • Are you getting any errors in the javascript console? Can you see a successful authentication and call back? (I’d check Chrome developer tools → network tab)
  • Are you getting a HTTP error codes?
