Build a Basic Website with ASP.NET MVC and Angular

Build a Basic Website with ASP.NET MVC and Angular

This tutorial walks you through building a basic website with ASP.NET MVC and Angular.

Craig Carns

Informative article, but I believe one of your titles are incorrect: “Create Your DbContext and Data Models in Angular” should be “in .Net/C#”.

I have used Auth0 in the past and will definitely give Okta a try.

My opinion:Also in the real world you should not tightly couple the frontend and api together by having .net control the routing.


The point of this article is really that no always do you HAVE to use Angular for the whole front end. Sometimes what you really need is an MVC app that has one page that is fluid and interactive. Like a multi-step wizard or an order form where some single-page activity makes it more user friendly.

Tedd Van Diest

I would discourage this approach. There’s no good reason why you should mix MVC views with Angular. If you need server side rendering, use Angular Universal. Do Angular the Angular way, not the .NET way.

Lou Dreadnot

I agree. Mixing the two is a mess. I would describe the mess I am dealing with right now but I don’t want to spread the nightmares around.

I’ll tell you this; if the author of this software built the Golden Gate bridge it would have twice as much steel and concrete and no one would know how to use it.

William Westlake

your article is out of date with respect to the Okta web site, there is no secret key given to complete the rest of this tutorial. How do you generate the PKCE ??

Mark Tabor

The Secret key is there basically you are choosing the wrong application type :slight_smile:

William Westlake

I chose Single Page App per the instructions. https://uploads.disquscdn.c…

There selections are different from the above. Implicit (Hybrid) is not there, so I selected Implicit. But either way the next page shows a ClientID and no Key.


Bogdan Verbenets

Import directives should start with './ and not with '…/ . Otherwise it won’t work.

Bogdan Verbenets

You forgot to mention that you need to create local database file WeightTracker.mdf .

Will Rees

If you wanted to create another Angular app w/in the MVC project, would you repeat the same steps and create another Angular project inside the MVC app?

Vasanthakumar Chandrasekaran

It works perfectly. but there is a problem when I refresh the page. since angular run with client side routing with AngularDataController’s Index action, when we click refresh then it calls server routing and it throws the error.

securetech integration

Is this considered an SPA (Single Page Application)?

Willa Anderson

Asp dot net development service becomes important. This is a single example of it. Ibrahim, As a part of Moon Technolabs, I can say this is the best example of a model view controller. The best part of learning is authentication. Merging with angular will increase the security factor. That’s really good to learn and share.

Ranjan Srivastava

I have two applications one in MVC and the other is on ASP.NET Boilerplate Angular .My requirement is to call the typescript file in angular application from the MVC application …i.e on button click. Can anyone advice me what is the best approach to call the ts file from MVC application.

TechAffinity Consulting

I read the whole blog and it’s very unique and informative. This is by far one of the best blogs on .Net technology.