Build and Secure Microservices with Spring Boot 2.0 and OAuth 2.0

Build and Secure Microservices with Spring Boot 2.0 and OAuth 2.0

This shows how to create a secure microservices architecture with Spring Boot 2.0 and OAuth. It contains YouTube tutorials so you can learn how to do it all in 30 minutes!

José Lecaros

hi. Thanks for the samples!
I’ve tried this locally (for webflux) and I’ve been successful on login and getting a new token using the endpoints.
However, once I try to access protected endpoints in my spring reactive API, I’m redirected to “/oauth2/authorization/okta” with a 302 http code.
I’ve marked the resource with @PreAuthorize annotation using hasScope and even with permitAll but the app always redirect to the same.
Can you please shed a light on this?


Okta Developers

What version of Spring Boot are you using? If it’s 2.0.4 and you’re using Zuul, it might be caused by this issue:…


oktadev easy

John Martin

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