Close the current user session using OKTA SDK .Net API

Hi Team,

Am using OKTA SDK .Net API for authenticating the user and verify MFA, I just can’t get the code for closing the user session.
Below is the sample code that am using.

(samples-aspnet/primary-auth/okta-aspnet-mvc-example at 4a2bb56c759958e2b40b305873357913e4664b07 · okta/samples-aspnet · GitHub)

Can you please help me get the code for logging out the user using OKTA SDK .Net API and I can’t use the public Okta api for removing user session as i don’t use the API key here in my code (User Sessions).

Hi Team/ @andrea ,

Can I get a reply for this please.

I’m not sure I understand what issue you are having. This SDK is configured to use the /logout endpoint to end the users session.

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