Does Okta SCIM supports group customisations?

In the developer account, I don’t see an option to add custom attributes to the Group.
Does Okta supports group customisations? If it doesn’t, are there any timelines by when it will be available for use?

I think there is Okta Group Profile customizations, which is in EA stage at the moment

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Thanks for the link.
But, for my developer instance-‘dev-77046508-admin’, I don’t see the ‘Groups’ tab in ’ Directory > Profile Editor’.
Does the my developer instance needs any upgrades or installations to get this group customisations enabled?

This functionality is tied to a feature that grants you the ability to customize the group schema. I’m checking to see if/how we can get this enabled for your org

@vinodkakarla, can you create a support case to investigate why this option is missing from your org?

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Hei! Did you try to enable from Settings a feature called Group Profiles for Universal Directory. I had the same issue, and once I enabled that, I could see Groups in the Directory-Profile Editor.

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