Encrypt ID token - OIDC App Configuration


I’m doing an OIDC application configuration in Okta that has to adhere to Federation Assurance Level (FAL) compliance per NIST SP 800-63 guidelines:

  1. FAL1 permits the RP to receive a bearer assertion from an IdP; the IdP must sign the assertion using approved cryptography.
  2. FAL2 adds the requirement that the assertion be encrypted using approved cryptography such that the RP is the only party that can decrypt it.

Our system could be FAL1, not FAL2 compliant but I am looking into verifying the following considerations before drawing any conclusions:

  1. Is data in transit encrypted by Okta? (i.e. ID token information)

  2. Does Okta support encryption of the ID token, like using JWE (JSON Web Encryption)?

  3. Is the userinfo response considered a part of the assertion, and does Okta encrypt that data in transit?

Hi there,

If you really need specific values encrypted you could look at using the token inline hook.
However some claims may not be modified using hooks too.

So depending on what you are looking to be encrypted, Okta may or may not support this.

In addition, you would also have to work around your own key system of what the hook uses to encrypt claims and how the client would have the corresponding public key, in order to achieve what you are looking for.

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