I have a use case where an external server would need to send a REST request(via Python requests) to our web app backend. I’d like to authorize access to the incoming REST call.
I was doing this to some degree with self-generated JWT tokens but given that I already have an okta resource server I was hoping to just keep it all in the same family.
Given a client id and client secret, is there a way to generate an access ID that I can confirm on our backend? Looking over the openid connect endpoints in Postman makes me think that I can get it with a refresh token and a redirect uri. Since I’m starting from a python script, I don’t exactly know how a redirect is useful and I certainly don’t have a refresh token.
Any chance someone can point me in the correct direction?
Typically for an authorization code flow where there will be a user context associated Okta recommends using a browser redirect model.
Since this is a Python script will there be a user context (user login) for these requests or will the Python process run as a service? If running as a service I would recommend doing a client credentials flow.