Failure-redirect after okta sign in click

I have configured a react SPA app on an okta tenant, the redirect works fine and takes me to the sign in page, but when i click on sign in on the okta sign in page - it show me the following message:

“You are not allowed to access this app. To request access, contact an admin.”

Also i see the following in the network tab:

{name: “failure-redirect”,…} which comes from

I have also already checked Okta Help Center (Lightning) post and changed the access policy on my custom oidc app

Can someone please help me with this? I would greatly appreciate since this would remove a huge blocker for us.


Can you ensure that Interaction Code has been enabled for your Org, Application, and (if you’re using one), Custom Authorization Server’s Access Rule, as in the solution here: You are not allowed to access this app. okta-angular-oie-sample-quickstart - #2 by martin.b

I enabled the interaction code on all levels - the auth sever, the org and the app. for some reason i still the same issue.
This is what i see in my current tenant’s system logs:

FAILURE: no_matching_policy
target: default (Authorizationserver)


Which Authorization server are you using? default or custom?

In any case, did you add your SPA app to the access policy under the authorization server? If not try adding your app and give it a try.

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