I am currently trying to build my own command line tool using Okta’s API.
Eventually, I would like to use Amazon STS’s assetRoleWith in AWS to get temporary credentials.
/oauth2/v1/token with grant_type as password, perform authentication with user_name and password, pay out access_token and id_token,
I am trying to perform a token exchange by setting the grant_type to urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange in /oauth2/v1/token,
I get the following error.
“error": ‘invalid_grant’,.
“error_description": ‘The ’actor_token‘ must have the ’okta.apps.sso‘ scope to request a ’web_sso_token'.”
Now, in the first /oauth2/v1/token, where the actor_token, or access_token, is being paid out, if okta.apps.sso is specified as the scope,
The following error occurs.
“error": ‘invalid_scope’, ‘error_description’: ‘invalid_scope’, ‘error_description’: ”error_description
“error_description": ”The following scopes are not allowed for this request: [okta.apps.sso].”
Is this error a hard limit for the API?
Best regards.