I have setup a SAML IDP in the security tab and I have setup my OIDC app in okta but I am not sure how to get them to work together. Are any of you aware of any documentation that talks through this?
Basically I am hoping to get something like this working:
Customer goes to MyApp and then based on the subdomain of the url they get redirected to their SAML idp for authentication. Once authenticated I want Okta to send them to MyApp with a valid JWT so that I can allow them into MyApp. My app currently supports OIDC auth code flow but does not support SAML.
All user management is done inside MyApp. Okta does not manage our users, I simply want to use okta to handle the authentication and then, if possible, sign the user into the MyApp (which already works with OIDC).
Any thoughts on how I should approach this?