I Want enable MFA in my application with All FactorType

  • I want Implement MFA in my banking application. Once customer login in using our database credential.

  • We have user account page where user can setup OKTA MFA, but I have no clue how to achieve this using Okta API.

  • Every Time I am calling below APIs its allowed me only to register the device/account in okta App. Suppose some other user using scan the QRcode to setup his account MFA its not working.

for you reference I put api names are below:

  1. {{url}}/api/v1/authn
  2. {{url}}/api/v1/authn/factors
  3. {{url}}/api/v1/authn/factors/{{factorId}}/lifecycle/activate/poll
  4. {{url}}/api/v1/authn/factors/{{factorId}}/verify

You need your users to enroll into any factor before you can start using it. Can you elaborate about what exactly you have difficulties with to understand?