Javascript signin widget redirectin not workin in IE11 and EDGE

Hi All,

I have implemented javascript based Okta signin widget with @okta/okta-signin-widget": “^4.1.1”. It is working fine in Chrome and Firefox browsers but in IE11 and EDGE after click login button nothing happs. I can some response URL’s from Okta but redirection not happening. Is this a known issue? Or is this some other issues with IE secuirty

Note: Implemented Okta with Authorization code+PKCE flow

I believe this happens because you’re using PKCE and we expect web crypto libraries to be available in your browser. They aren’t available in IE 11 so you can polyfill or use implicit flow. This might work for a polyfill.

Unfortunately i can not use implicit flow because it’s not secure. (
I have tried polyfill now App is working in Edge but still not in IE. could you share any reference guide possible an example to fix issues in IE also.

Appreciate your help!

Thanks Marible for that hint :slight_smile:
I got the solution for it. We need add below code in main js maybe in App.js

import "../../polyfills";
// Text encoding required for Edge and IE 11 to support Okta sign in widget.
import 'fast-text-encoding';
// Webcrypto-shim required for IE11 to support Okta sign in widget.
import 'webcrypto-shim';
// Array slice required for IE 11 to support Okta sign in widget.
import 'core-js/modules/es6.array.from';
// Typed array support required for IE 11 to support Okta sign in widget.
import 'core-js/modules/es6.typed.uint8-array';

--------polyfills file -------
// polyfill TextEncoder for IE Edge
import { TextEncoder } from ‘text-encoding’;

if (typeof window.TextEncoder === 'undefined') {
    window.TextEncoder = TextEncoder;
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