New to Okta; I am confused about the use of Preview Account

I’m New to Okta; I am confused about the use of Preview Domain/account.
What is the purpose of the okta Preview domain/accounts.

I am wondering what workflows / operational practices others use to support a development team building cloud based solutions that rely on Okta for Machine to Machine communications as well as corporate Active Directory sync / user logins; We have our Development pipelines leveraging our Corporate Production Active Directory. essentially allowing a user from our production AD Domains to be able to log into non prod environments for UAT/QA; development teams have DEV and SIT environments to perform build activities; all of these environment we envisioned to connect to our primary Okta Account (Not Preview)

So my question is; what is the purpose of Preview Okta? Is this environment used to “test” Okta upgrades? Would you connect this to your non-production app dev environments? Or is the nature of the preview environment (AKA) meant to only support OKTA changes? Or do others trust the preview OKTA environment enough to support NON-Prod activities aka its stable enough not to cause problems for the development teams supporting Patching/Build new features for their Okta Connected applications? Do you only use Preview to do OKTA System Integration Testing with new versions?

First and foremost, preview is free, but limited :slight_smile: Also it’s the environment which receives new features faster. Other than that it’s not different from prod.

Many customers would love to see what Okta is and has to offer, before going for a paid service. I’ll let other folks to answer your other questions

Agree with @phi1ipp.

We’ve seen customers use preview environment connected with their dev/sandbox to test new features before releasing in production.

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