Nonce is invalid in id_token

I’m writing a custom OIDC integration. For the last step, where Okta exchanges a code for a token, I’m getting the following error after responding from /token endpoint: Nonce is invalid in id_token

These are the claims in my jwt id token:

  "iat": 1712764572,
  "sub": "",
  "jti": "8285bc11-2668-4ead-b007-495c20d522af",
  "nonce": "dRQR84bgeg1R9wxoePFaOaYsCSOIkVfr",
  "at_hash": "I1DWSlQIvpt_PJl3UqaM_w",
  "family_name": "••••",
  "given_name": "••••",
  "nbf": 1712764572,
  "exp": 1712764872,
  "iss": "Acme",
  "aud": "Acme"

I don’t see any reason for nonce to not be valid, so I’m suspecting the error message is wrong. Anyone has any idea what might be the issue with the claims?

OK I now understand that Okta expects the nonce to match the one given initially in the /auth endpoint.


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