Not sure why I am not getting a response back from the OKTA Verify code. I do get the notification on my phone and I acknowledge, but then I never exit the
VerifyFactor function – since it never get’s an acknowledgement. Any ideas? Is there something in OKTA that needs to be set? Am I not calling the AWAIT correctly?
Using .Net framework 4.8.x and OKTA SDK 2.x
Public Async Function AuthenticateWithMFA(susername As String, spassword As String) As Task
’ Initialize the Okta client
Dim oktaClient = New AuthenticationClient(New OktaClientConfiguration With {
.OktaDomain = OktaDomain,
.Token = APIToken
' Authenticate the user with username and password
Dim authnOptions = New AuthenticateOptions() With {
.Username = susername,
.Password = spassword,
.MultiOptionalFactorEnroll = True,
.WarnBeforePasswordExpired = True
Dim authResponse = oktaClient.AuthenticateAsync(authnOptions).Result
LogMessage("AuthenticationStatus: " & authResponse.AuthenticationStatus.ToString)
If authResponse.AuthenticationStatus = "MFA_REQUIRED" Then
' MFA is required, check for available factors
Dim allFactors As Okta.Sdk.Abstractions.CastingListAdapter(Of Factor) = authResponse.Embedded.GetArrayProperty(Of Factor)("factors")
' Find Okta Verify Push factor
Dim oktaVerifyPushFactor = allFactors.FirstOrDefault(Function(f) f.Type.Contains("push"))
Dim factorID = oktaVerifyPushFactor.Id
LogMessage("FactorID: " & factorID.ToString)
If factorID IsNot Nothing Then
Dim stateToken As String = authResponse.StateToken
' Set options based on your MFA method (e.g., SMS, Okta Verify, etc.)
Dim verifyFactorOptions = New VerifyPushFactorOptions() With
.FactorId = factorID,
.StateToken = stateToken,
.AutoPush = True,
.RememberDevice = True
LogMessage("Ready to call VerifyFactor ")
' Verify MFA factor
Dim mfaResponse = Await VerifyFactor(oktaClient, verifyFactorOptions)
LogMessage("mfaResponse.AuthenticationStatus " & mfaResponse.AuthenticationStatus.ToString)
If mfaResponse.AuthenticationStatus = "SUCCESS" Then
LogMessage("MFA verification succeeded")
LogMessage("MFA verification failed")
End If
LogMessage("No suitable MFA factor found")
End If
ElseIf authResponse.AuthenticationStatus = "SUCCESS" Then
LogMessage("Authentication succeeded without MFA")
LogMessage($"Authentication failed. Status: {authResponse.AuthenticationStatus}")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
LogMessage($"Exception: {ex.ToString()}")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function VerifyFactor(client, options) As Task(Of AuthenticationResponse)
' Perform MFA factor verification
Return Await client.VerifyFactorAsync(options)
End Function