i am trying to do poc with okta. i have saml -application in okta which could fetch custom profile from
the okta profile and return.
I planned to consume this app saml response . at present it prompt okta user/password and redirected to my local app and show profile and working fine. i plan to fetch results by OAUTH2 login. i am able to generate authcode from the
Identity provider. my requirement instead okta asking for user/password i plan to use OAUTH2 to authorize and
allow to show custom profile in my end app with out prompting user/password.
below is my details.
0oaalvrh7iLJX0FUQ0h7 - my OAUTH2 identity provider
client id of OPENID - 3pgiRciiwvdG6bHru52e
i could see below error always “The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request”
i showing login page initially and then my call got interrupted by above error and then it prompt login again.
https://dev-878414.oktapreview.com/oauth2/v1/authorize?idp=0oaalvrh7iLJX0FUQ0h7&client_id=3pgiRciiwvdG6bHru52e &response_type=id_token token &response_mode=form_post &scope=openid offline_access &redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/App&state=test12345 &nonce=test12345
if any body faces this same issue and solved please help me on this.