OIDC - grant_types_supported

Hi guys,

Is it possible to customize my OpenID server configuration in order to accept the “client_credentials” grant type?

E.g: In my developer account I have a default server configured but the “client_credentials” is not present in “grant_types_supported” attribute.


Hi @gui1207

Are you able to create and receive a JWT successfully on this authorization server using the guide available here?

Hi @dragos,

Yes, I´m able to do it.

My goal here is to create applications with client_credentials grant type with an external platform.

I´m using MuleSoft with Okta to allow users to create applications with this grant_type. To have this functionality, it´s necessary to have it specified in the openid-configuration metadata.


Hi @gui1207,
did you get this resolved? I also have the same problem with Mule & Okta. Thanks

Also looking for the same answer…

Could you try accessing https://xxx.okta.com/oauth2/default/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server ? Client credentials doesn’t make sense in the context of oidc because oidc is about identity, hence you can see client_credentials only in OAuth 2.0 metadata.

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