Thank you @vijet that gets me most of the way there. I was getting crossed up between what was in https://${theIdPdomain}/.well-known/openid-configuration vs what [Add an external Identity Provider | Okta Developer](this article) says
Now I’m having an issue hitting the userInfo endpoint it seems. If I leave that field blank I get this error on JIT:
and I’m seeing a report that we encountered a 405 when trying to get the user profile information, but not sure why that would happen when we hit the Userinfo endpoint.
Can you share the way the profile for your IdP user is configured? I’m curious if there’s something wrong with the way the firstName and lastName attributes (since we require those to JIT the user) is getting mapped in from OIDC.
They should look something like this (where the External name is equivalent to the OIDC claim name that contains the value):