Userinfo response from the Identity Provider is invalid

I have setup an Okta to Okta Identity Provider. My has an OIDC application properly configured. I have set up an OIDC Identity Provider in my Okta dev console that points to the OIDC application in the oktapreview console. I have updated the Authorization URL to include an OIDC application that I created in my dev console. When I test the Authorization URL in my application (I can see the request get authenticated at I get the following error in my dev console when it redirects back: Authenticate user with social login failure: The Userinfo response from the Identity Provider is invalid

What could I have done incorrectly? I followed the instructions from here:

After looking at the logs a bit closer I can see this error: Issuer is invalid in id_token.

I found the problem. The Issuer was setup incorrectly:
Incorrect: https://{{MyOrg}}
Correct: https://{{MyOrg}}

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