I am posting a sample response for a incorrect user/password attempt.
Messages is where you would want to look. Instead of relying on the message
you can go off of the key
and class
to know it was an error.
Okta is not going to return what the issue was, wrong user/pass as this would be a security issue.
The transaction will still be pending with the next step to enter password again which is what you would want if the user mistyped their password.
"version": "1.0.0",
"stateHandle": "02.id.H4IKrfk5yOVStdWl0yORSNH81ZkIAPGtseTMW3Uc~drd",
"expiresAt": "2023-06-04T06:28:41.000Z",
"intent": "LOGIN",
"remediation": {
"type": "array",
"value": [
"rel": [
"name": "challenge-authenticator",
"relatesTo": [
"href": "https://domain.okta.com/idp/idx/challenge/answer",
"method": "POST",
"produces": "application/ion+json; okta-version=1.0.0",
"value": [
"name": "credentials",
"type": "object",
"form": {
"value": [
"name": "passcode",
"label": "Password",
"secret": true
"required": true
"name": "stateHandle",
"required": true,
"value": "02.id.H4IKrfk5yOVStdWl0yORSNH81ZkIAPGtseTMW3Uc~drd",
"visible": false,
"mutable": false
"accepts": "application/json; okta-version=1.0.0"
"rel": [
"name": "select-authenticator-authenticate",
"href": "https://domain.okta.com/idp/idx/challenge",
"method": "POST",
"produces": "application/ion+json; okta-version=1.0.0",
"value": [
"name": "authenticator",
"type": "object",
"options": [
"label": "Password",
"value": {
"form": {
"value": [
"name": "id",
"required": true,
"value": "aut5221bc12GLFocI697",
"mutable": false
"name": "methodType",
"required": false,
"value": "password",
"mutable": false
"relatesTo": "$.authenticatorEnrollments.value[0]"
"name": "stateHandle",
"required": true,
"value": "02.id.H4IKrfk5yOVStdWl0yORSNH81ZkIAPGtseTMW3Uc~drd",
"visible": false,
"mutable": false
"accepts": "application/json; okta-version=1.0.0"
"messages": {
"type": "array",
"value": [
"message": "Authentication failed",
"i18n": {
"key": "errors.E0000004"
"class": "ERROR"
"currentAuthenticatorEnrollment": {
"type": "object",
"value": {
"recover": {
"rel": [
"name": "recover",
"href": "https://domain.okta.com/idp/idx/recover",
"method": "POST",
"produces": "application/ion+json; okta-version=1.0.0",
"value": [
"name": "stateHandle",
"required": true,
"value": "02.id.H4IKrfk5yOVStdWl0yORSNH81ZkIAPGtseTMW3Uc~drd",
"visible": false,
"mutable": false
"accepts": "application/json; okta-version=1.0.0"
"type": "password",
"key": "okta_password",
"displayName": "Password",
"methods": [
"type": "password"
"authenticators": {
"type": "array",
"value": [
"type": "password",
"key": "okta_password",
"id": "aut5221bc12GLFocI697",
"displayName": "Password",
"methods": [
"type": "password"
"allowedFor": "sso"
"authenticatorEnrollments": {
"type": "array",
"value": [
"type": "password",
"key": "okta_password",
"displayName": "Password",
"methods": [
"type": "password"
"cancel": {
"rel": [
"name": "cancel",
"href": "https://domain.okta.com/idp/idx/cancel",
"method": "POST",
"produces": "application/ion+json; okta-version=1.0.0",
"value": [
"name": "stateHandle",
"required": true,
"value": "02.id.H4IKrfk5yOVStdWl0yORSNH81ZkIAPGtseTMW3Uc~drd",
"visible": false,
"mutable": false
"accepts": "application/json; okta-version=1.0.0"
"app": {
"type": "object",
"value": {
"name": "oidc_client",
"label": "My SPA",
"id": "0oa578b9h4I3v9HkC697"
"authentication": {
"type": "object",
"value": {
"protocol": "OAUTH2.0",
"issuer": {
"id": "aus52063jmJR6WCuX697",
"name": "default",
"uri": "https://domain.okta.com/oauth2/default"
"request": {
"max_age": -1,
"scope": "openid profile email offline_access",
"response_type": "code",
"redirect_uri": "http://localhost:8080/oidc-appredirect-A.html",
"state": "c08fOLpTGFxrnNudROa4xSN49g9P7tpRVEL86LxF68REBbgpeqcLfXlzfXzv6pwe",
"code_challenge_method": "S256",
"nonce": "ILpPQ9GLaM849ruYTQpuKy1iSOOgklSwoj9QhEKUsCdQYUk2JKBhBtGhEMnsjJEt",
"code_challenge": "kk0BHI6W8zZqL_TtZxeyW9GKMdXzn5kxH_8T6HhmEyc",
"response_mode": "query"