Okta integration with react native package react-native-app-auth

We planned to integrate Okta with npm package react-native-app-auth in mobile application. We configured android as mentioned as follows.

With the code, we are able to view Okta sign in form and able to provide email and password and navigate to Okta home page instead of redirecting to mobile application.

Following code invokes authorize function, but control is not coming back and not seeing result value.

Could you please help here what causes unable to redirect to mobile application?

import { authorize } from ‘react-native-app-auth’;

const config = {
issuer: ‘<YOUR_ISSUER_URL>’,
clientId: ‘<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>’,
redirectUrl: ‘<YOUR_REDIRECT_URL>’,
scopes: [’<YOUR_SCOPES_ARRAY>’],

const result = await authorize(config);